Roman numerals from 1 to 20
List of Roman numerals ordered from 1 to 20
Below is the list of Roman numerals from 1 to 20 ordered from highest to lowest.
This list can be useful to know the conversions of several numbers in a grouped form or to be able to raise exercises related to tables of conversion of natural numbers to Roman nomenclature or vice versa.
- 1: I
- 2: II
- 3: III
- 4: IV
- 5: V
- 6: VI
- 7: VII
- 8: VIII
- 9: IX
- 10: X
- 11: XI
- 12: XII
- 13: XIII
- 14: XIV
- 15: XV
- 16: XVI
- 17: XVII
- 18: XVIII
- 19: XIX
- 20: XX